The Red Barn

Last weekend, my sketch friend Phil and I rode our bikes through the Dry Creek Valley, looking for places to sketch. I had driven this road a hundred times by car but never noticed this old barn until I started cycling around the area. We parked our bikes and sat on a stone wall across the street, which provided a good vantage point. The occasional car whizzed past, interrupting the otherwise still morning. Today we were lucky, the weather was unseasonably warm but I could smell smoke from a burn pile down the road that reminded me winter is not far off. After about an hour of sketching, we packed up our supplies and biked further into the Dry Creek valley looking for more sketching opportunities.

3 thoughts on “The Red Barn

  1. Thanks for the comment Nina! The color started spilling on its own but I liked what was happening so I let it go. I gues you could call it a happy accident!

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