
About ten years ago, the city of Cloverdale built a train Depot on the east side of town anticipating that the SMART train would someday be extended this far north. I’m not holding my breath with all that’s going on these days. This was the first time I saw the depot up close and was very impressed with it’s design.
This old boat is located in China Camp Village, a California State Park just east of San Rafael. The area use to be home to a Chinese shrimp fishing village back in the late 19th Century where nearly 500 people, originally from Canton, China lived.
Day 15/30#30x30DriectWatercolor2020
One of the more popular outdoor activities here in the Northern California, besides the obvious wine tasting, is cycling on a warm summer day among the grape vines.
Barn located in Freestone, CA, just outside of Sebastopol. Of note is the bakery Wildflour, just across the street. With sticky bun in hand, I went to work on this painting.
One of the things I miss most during the pandemic is the live music shows put on by the Art Alliance here in Cloverdale. I sketched each event as often as I could.
But recently I’ve discovered Smalls Jazz Club in NYC, a hoppin’ Greeenwich Village basement club that’s streaming free live shows.
Thanks to a sizable donation by Billy Joel, Smalls was able to kickstart the livestreams and also pay the musicians the usual gig rate even without a live audience. Thanks to Mr Joel and Smalls for making my life in isolation so much bigger.This was painted yesterday from a live stream of the Frank Lacy Quintet.
Pastori Grape Press, Geyserville, CA
Episcopal Church on Broad Street Cloverdale, CA.